Tuesday, October 30, 2007
honest blogging
i mention this because all this breastfeeding stuff i've been posting about, i'm hoping people either understand that this is just what's going on in my life right now and indulge me, or like to know intimate details of my life! it may not always be fascinating but bear with me!
last week i went to yoga with my sister in law, it was amazing, i felt like me again, not ali the mommy, ali the person who used to love yoga. i was going to go this morning but we just did not have enough time, i think i might try to go tonight. oh and after two c-sections i can safely say i have no abdominal muscles to speak of, i would try to do a pose and just not be able too, clearly i need more yoga!
oh and i'm going to do noblo this year-has anyone seen a link for that yet? i almost made it last year, this year i will do it!
alright i must clean my house and i think the baby wants to eat again!
Monday, October 29, 2007
sometimes it's no fun to be the mommy...
but the real issue of the day- i called a breastfeeding warm line yesterday and all signs point to thrush-Bens tongue is fine but he has white patches on the insides of his cheeks, and now yesterday a red, raised diaper rash. as far as the nipple situation-not good-it's so painfulso off to the pede we go, i'm going to call for an appt in an hour. we also need to run to the bank and fax some insurance info.
did you notice my new blog header? i did it myself! i'm very impressed that i figured it out at all.
but now that i know how i'll try not to mess with too much!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
breastfeeding antecedents
1) this baby is entirely different than the last-i know big surprise right? Will took to breastfeeding easily and after the initial nipple soreness we had no further problems.
Ben from day one fights to get to the boob, pulls off, gets back on, pulls off, eventually he settles down and nurses but he could suck the wrinkles off of an elephant!
2) after the initial nipple soreness with Ben i though we were good, but for a little over a week now it is back with a vengence! to the point where i dread feeding him. at this point i'm feeding on one side at a feeding to give the other side time to rest. and i have cracks all around the nipple it's as if he is trying to suck my nipples off my body. i thought i could wait this out and stuff would just toughen up but now i'm not so sure, and if this doesn't resolve i don't know how long i can keep it up.
3) on the lighter side-Will thinks he can feed Ben by putting his finger (he says funger) in Ben's mouth-he tells me "ben drinkin' " hey i put a body part in the kids mouth and he doesn't see anything happen, and Ben will latch on to pretty much anything!
4)when i was getting Will out of the car the other night he asked if he could nurse, i told him no that he was a big boy now but when he was a baby he ate that way too. so far he seems ok with that
5) Will knows if i'm feeding Ben it's a good time to get into trouble! (mommy can't chase me!)
6) i haven't pumped in front of will, mostly because i don't want to explain it!
any tips on the cracked nipples-how does that ever heal if your getting sucked on every two hours again?
Friday, October 26, 2007
i'm required to feed him so...
my goal when will was born was to expose to many different foods, so when i eat something different so does he, as a baby i had him eating avocado, veggie sushi, seaweed and rice, broccoli, etc. he didn't love everything, but he ate it because it was normal.
as time has gone by though he eats less and less, he will try new foods but most things are met with a yuck-followed by a spit out! he is not a child that will only eat three things---he is a child who doesn't eat. i have seen whole days go by with only a few bites making it past his lips, and usually it's something like goldfish! he will try what is in front of him if he feels like eating, but plenty of meals he doesn't even touch.
he isn't predictable either-what he loves one day he won't touch the next, so i resort to putting food in front of him several times a day, if he eats, he eats...(we won't be discussing how much food i throw away when he doesn't) i also give him carnation instant breakfast in his milk when he isn't eating well. calories have to come from somewhere right?
in this day and age of childhood obesity, and since will comes from two families with weight issues my focus has shifted. my new goals are 1) that he eat something 2)that he be allowed to stop eating when he is done 3) that he be served the same thing his dad and i have on our
plates. my working theory is if he is hungry he will eat what is in front of him, and i want him to learn to not over eat. (that i won't cook more than one meal at a time is purely for me.)
i hope as he grows he will not be a picky eater, he will try new things and he develops internal controls to avoid overeating..that would be a start!
would you like a chance to win a 250.00 gift card to williams sonoma? write a post about feeding your kids, are they picky eaters? what have you tried to get them to eat? post it by midnight PST, include links to http://www.deceptivelydelicious.com and (http://blog.parentbloggers.com/
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
to nursery school or not to nursery school....
We are members of the YMCA and the local branch is a large busy one. the daycare room is small, sort of clean, and packed with kids from baby-10 or 12. i observed there once and just could not leave him there. too many kids, the staff were a bunch of very nice but very young girls. it would be far too easy to lose a 2 yr old in all that chaos. so we go to the Y but to do things for will, swim classes, kids gym, family swim... that was it.
my sister in law just joined this weekend and i promised her i would do some classes with her, i just had a second c-section and i don't really want mommy pooch for the rest of my life! i won't go if it's for me, but if i commit to someone else...i'll drag my sorry butt in. today i went to a different branch about 15 minutes away with my mom. she is a regular there and has brought will to their daycare room. she told me how great it was but i had never seen it. she wasn't kidding! it was bright, cheerful, clean, the kids were divided up by age, there was a ton of staff on, and they were adults! happy ,experienced, educated woman.
i had been thinking lately that maybe i needed to put will in a formal nursery school for socialization, and today at the Y i noticed he didn't play with the other kids, he just sort of did his own thing. at home i have seen him not so great at sharing and he can be bossy sometimes, other times he can play very nicely. i called a nursery school and i have an appt to check it out tomorrow, but the cost is pretty significant for us,even just for 2 half days a week. i think i would need to pick up an extra shift a week once back to work to pay for it. right now i'm on maternity leave so it would be an even bigger stretch...
but besides the money issue and my anxiety about leaving him with people i don't know (which i have never done for personal reasons) it would be a huge pain in the butt for me to drive back and forth to get him with a baby in tow, and i keep thinking that i never went anywhere for "socialization" i didn't have playdates, i played at home, with my siblings, cousins, by myself..and i'm fine. so is any of this even necesary or just what people seem to do with their kids now?
i'll go check out the school, but i wonder if i'm getting ahead of myself. maybe i should just arrange a few playdates with the kids we know that are his age, take a few classes at the nice Y and let him play with kids there...its not structured and educational...but it is social.....
i don't know what is best....what do you think?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
fish food
i think this new peice of equipment and i will be bff's-at least until it is replaced someday with a newer shinier model, but for now i just like touching it! it really is amazing how much the price of a laptop has fallen since the last time we priced them out, and boy am i glad!
we went to several stores to figure out what we wanted and one had a petsmart (pets-mart?, pet-smart?) next door so we wandered in so will could blow off a little steam and look at the fish and birds. we now own a male beta fish. it was my idea. i don't even like fish. we spent 12.00 on wills new pet-including food and plastic little aquarium thing. at least it's a cheap pet right? it now lives on my kitchen counter, but the best part is when we asked will what he wanted to name it he said (and i'm totally not kidding here) FOOD! so if anyone asks we have a fish named food....i don't know cracks me up though. tomorrow i'll post a picture of fish food for you.
also making huge progress in the decorating of will's new room-may be able to move him in tomorrow or monday, looks great and i'll post pics when it is all done.
Friday, October 19, 2007
out of the mouths of boys!
apparently when Will sat down he sat on the little sheild thing. he looked up at dave and said
"my pee-pee too big, no fit!"
shaken not stirred-with a splash of detergent
i haven't been able to look at as many labels as i would have liked. most household items say stuff like don't inhale, swallow, rub in eyes or puncture. the single most popular is keep out of reach of children, but this one i found interesting:
did you see that last line? it says "do not reuse this package for dispensing beverages or other liquids" maybe it's just me but how often are you going to fill your laundry soap bottle with a beverage? did this actually happen? i don't know about you but i prefer my lemonade without the after taste of tide!
oh and loving my new haircut! what do you think? want a chance to win money? post your best example of a wacky warning label before midnight tonight pst for a shot at One grand prize - $200 VISA/MC check card
Three runner-up prizes - $100 VISA/MC check card
send a link to your post to- parentbloggers@gmail.com
and include links to Sick of Lawsuits (http://www.sickoflawsuits.com/) and Parent Bloggers Network (http://blog.parentbloggers.com/)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
mommy needs a time out!
Friday, October 12, 2007
doing what works!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
my breastfeeding experience
I was able to beastfeed my first son for 14 months. Yeah, I know, that's a long time. Noone was more surprised than me! You see i thought the whole thing was gross, it made me sort of squemish to see other woman do it. I never knew where to look, but I did what everyone should do. I minded my own business and looked away. oh, and I tried to act normal.
The thing is I'm a nurse, and when I was pregnant with my first son I had just finished nursing school. Six months before my first pregnancy I was doing my student nurse rotation on a maternity floor of a hospital. I was responsible for trying to assist new moms with breastfeeding, I was learning all about how it is done, how good it is for the mom and baby, and for me the best and most important feature-the immunity it passes on the the baby. A jump start for their immune system! With all the germs out there, with all the drug resistant germs out there, how could I not at least try to do this for my kid, even if I wasn't *ahem* comfortable with it.
So I gave it the old college try, and when I decided to try I meant it I went to a breastfeeding class and brought my husband with me, (ok so I refused to touch to fake boob they passed around and may have made a few immature jokes, noone but my husband heard me I swear)
I did this even though I was sure the whole thing would just fail, and I could use formula and say-well I tried. I knew enough to know that it was hard, that lots of people had trouble, so I went into it expecting it not to work.
Well imagine my surprise when it not only worked, I never had any complications! I had a day of trying to get my sleepy baby to latch on, I had sore nipples for a few days, that was about it. Oh and when i went back to work and pumped he wasn't so thrilled about that whole bottle thing. (my husband broke him eventually)
We nursed through teething with no issues-he never bit me, we nursed through solid food introduction, we nursed straight through his first birthday. After I went back to work and we both adjusted to that transition it was easy, it was cuddly, it was my time with my baby after I came in from work at midnight. I got to hold him, smell him, cuddle him, rock him, while he filled his little belly so I could then go to bed already!
Breastfeeding in public was hard, just because I am a private person and I remembered how I used to feel about seeing it. I quickly got over that once I was out in public enough times with a hungry baby. My best tricks are-using a fitting room in a department store when at the mall-I just took in a clothing item I had no interest in trying on so noone would question me. (note this doesn't work anymore when baby is too interested in the new surroundings to latch on), timing outings so I would only be out an hour or less, feeding baby in restaurants below the level of the table-worked for me cause i'm really short with big boobs. Or parking my car way out in a parking lot and feeding the baby there. I also nursed in groups with other moms, nothing says leave us the hell alone then there being more than one of you!
My only regret with our breastfeeding experience is I didn't know the last time I breastfed him it would be the last time. I had weaned him down to once or twice a day, and one night I offered him a cup of cows milk while I rocked him at bedtime, he asked to breastfeed. I fed him and decided I would let him ask from then on. He never did again. From then on it was cows milk at bedtime.
I think it is important for anyone starting this journey to at least attempt to nurse, like they mean it. Go into it knowing it is harder on the mama, you sit up however many times a night while your spouse sleeps, you have sore nipples, you worry about pumping, having enough milk, making sure you eat and drink enough each day. never mind the exhaustion, the desire for some personal space (could noone touch me for five minutes please!) never mind the lack of sex drive.
It helps to have a supportive spouse-and I do. It is a must to state your needs-as in I had better get a nap today honey! Sleep really does effect breasmilk production-take it seriously. I also joined a breastfeeding new mothers support group through the hospital I delivered in. I didn't have any problems to speak of, but each month of breastfeeding presents its own issues, and it was nice to talk to other moms and know what might be coming, or how they dealt with their issues.
If breastfeeding doesn't work for you and your family-fine, I am no nipple nazi. I think it is more important that moms be happy with their babies, whether that be bottle feeding or breastfeeding, but I wish more people got educated before they deliver their babies, and tried.
Excuse me I have to go feed my baby now!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
finding our footing
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
boys will drive a mama crazy!
just as a highlight, so far today he has taken off his diaper and pooped on the floor, accidently spilled the dog water all over the place, dumped out all his toys three seperate times, and is clinging to me like crazy.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
stuff like this has happened with this same person my whole life, and it is just disappointing, and i probably read into it and take it a little to personally, and i never have before, but now i am comparing what this person does for me vs what they do for others in the family....
the whole thing is just depressing the hell out of me...and like i said it is probably just the hormones and lack of sleep talking but this is where i am today.