Tuesday, November 27, 2007

well i posted-that counts right?

ok so i've got nothing, it's been a temper tantrum, no napping, not doing any of what i plan to do couple of days. i'm tired and it's bedtime. the big news of the day is dave stopped on the way home to pick us up wendy's for dinner as well as some diapers, formula, wipes and cheese balls and ice cream. thats big news because 1) i tried to go to the store today and it just didn't happen. had the kids in the car, got as far as the bank drive thru and will was out cold in the back. he would not nap earlier so i drove home and got the neighbor teenager to watch him, but he woke up as i put him in his crib and screamed bloody murder, so i sent the teenager home, got the baby out of the car and gave up. and 2) i didn't have to go back out after supper for the things we could not live without-although i still need to go grocery shopping, and 3) didn't have to cook dinner! although my only meat choices are keilbasa, italien sausage or canned tuna.
but isn't my little guy a cutie? he has all kinds of personality now, he smiles, he coos, he gurgles. he just figured out that he can see further away so he has been checking out the house!
he also has been busy trying to find his thumb, he got it once or twice and it was adorable.
alright enough writing about nothing, goodnight!

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