Saturday, November 17, 2007

oh crap i guess that means we are adults now

today is my husbands last day of being 29. i asked him if he had thought he would be married 7 yrs and have two kids before he was 30, he groaned, rolled his eyes, and said "i don't know what i thought"

i don't know why but his 30th birthday seems to mean more to me than mine did. i guess the fact that i'm 31 didn't count as much when i had a husband in his 20's. i know that makes no sense! with both of us officially in our 30's, homeowners, parents of two children, car loans, oil bills, it just makes us seem so....grown up.

i think it's just that it sneaks up on you. you're dating, you get engaged, you get married, you have your first apartment, you buy a house, you have a kid, you have another kid. and before you know it, time has just sort of flown by, and you are the parents, the responsible adults, the people who have to make sure everything is taken care of, the kids have what they need.

in my head i sort of still think i'm 18, without the fun stuff like dating and going out dancing with my girlfriends!

it's strange i know! my husbands birthday is a transition for me, well it is really all about me anyway(he, he) tomorrow i'll write the happy birthday hubby i love you so much post, today it's all about me getting ready for his big day and his big party!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wait til you're fifty and they're in college, and you STILL feel 18 inside and can't figure out when you became a grown up, cause you still don't feel like one!! Don't know why, but that never changes. Happy Birthday Hubby! Hope you do well with it, too.